Bishop Elibariki Sumbe (Born on 1st Oct, 1968) is the General Overseer and the Archbishop of Grace Evangelical Churches of Tanzania and, the Lead Pastor at Vuka Yordani Church Tanzania.

Bishop Elibariki Sumbe was born on 1st October 1968, in the rural areas of Singida Tanzania. As a child, he endured hardship and poverty in such a way that he had to carry his late father’s corps from the hospital back to his village on foot for more than 60 km due to poverty.

Born in an Islamic family that was stricken by poverty and the spirit of death was tormenting the family. His divine encounter with Jesus Christ and receiving the calling to follow him ever since. Bishop Sumbe began as an evangelist, taking the gospel to different parts of Tanzania, later started the Vuka Yordani Church Tanzania, and also oversees the churches under Grace Evangelical Church Tanzania, in all parts of Tanzania.

You can see more about Bishop Sumbe’s remarkable testimony in some of the videos uploaded on this site. We pray you will be inspired in your journey of faith in God as you learn more about his history.